ECHT free workshop series – First workshop in March

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the textile apparel value chain face the challenge of ensuring the traceability of their products with regard to their suppliers and customers. This makes it all the more important to initiate capacity building among SMEs to enable them to deal with the challenges appropriately, while exploiting their specific strengths.

To support those actors, a workshop series (two onsite and one online workshops) will be organised in the framework of Interreg ECHT project to offer a unique opportunity for all actors in the textile apparel value chain to build their capacity regarding chemicals traceability. The workshops will be split between the cotton and polyester apparel sectors.

This serie will start with its first workshop which will be organised on 26th March 2025 in Darmstadt. In the first half-day workshop, participants will receive comprehensive input from academia, industry and NGOs on the long-term goals of traceability, the regulatory landscape, business models and incentives for chemicals traceability and much more.

Additional information and registration link for the first workshop are available on its dedicated webpage.

General information on the workshop series is also available here.