The first Ecodesign Forum took place in Brussels on 19 and 20 February, as key player to help the implementation of the ESPR.
The Ecodesign Forum serves as a key consultation body to discuss the implementation of the ESPR and energy labelling. With almost 130 members, the Forum brings together a variety of relevant stakeholders, including Member States, industry, NGOs and academia, to ensure a transparent and participatory implementation of the ESPR and energy labelling regulation.
Participants were selected for their experience, representativeness and expertise on priority products listed under the ESPR and in the report of the Commission’s Joint Research Centre on possible priority products. Efforts were made to ensure a cross-sector balance of participants.
As work under the ESPR progresses, the Forum’s composition is set to evolve. Applications for Forum membership therefore remain open, and new members or observers can be admitted at any time. Relevant documents and information about the Forum can be found online by visiting the Register of Commission Expert Groups and Other Similar Entities.